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About Spiritual Direction

"Spiritual direction is a particular practice of deep listening that is informed by a contemplative way of being in the world.  Spiritual direction attends to the on-going, dynamic presence and action of the life of the Spirit….it is a ministry and service of deep listening that breaks through the surface of everyday life and seeks out ‘the more’ that is already present, waiting to be attended to anywhere and everywhere. 

In spiritual direction, the presence of the Sacred is discerned in the midst of ordinary life by attending to extra-ordinary ways of being present to God, self, and others” (excerpt from Spiritual Director International’s, ”What to Expect” series, 2018).






The word, ‘direction’ from the title "spiritual direction" can be misleading, as (human) directing is not intended for the role and relationship with a spiritual director. Spiritual companion, Holy Listener or Soul Friend/Guide, might be a few more helpful names. Spiritual Companions are commonly called to this deep work and service. For many of us, living from a contemplative informed position, immersed in present moments, is a natural and comfortable way of living life, before being led to formal training. Spiritual companioning is an ancient practice, going back to the desert mothers and fathers and has a rich history. I am a committed member of Spiritual Director's International. Read SDI's mission below, and learn more about SDI.

Lee and Spiritual Direction

Spiritual Directors International's
Mission Statement

"Spiritual Directors International (SDI) is an inclusive, global, contemplative, nonprofit learning community, working to encourage all human beings on their individual spiritual journeys.... that serves and supports the ministry and service of spiritual direction emerging from the contemplative traditions of many faiths.


SDI is working to encourage all human beings on their individual spiritual journeys.

Throughout human history individuals have been inspired to accompany others seeking the Mystery that many name God.  SDI is a learning community that educates and supports this service around the world and across traditions” (excerpt from SDI’s, “Guidelines for Ethical Conduct, Revised Edition”).

Everyone’s soul needs and deserves to be listened to. ♡

© 2023

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